Feel the passion of Egyptian 26th Dynasty in our art prints.

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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur

Feel the passion of Egyptian 26th Dynasty in our art prints.

Nasze reprodukcje sztuki wnoszą chwile komfortu bezpośrednio do domu.

Odkryj dzieła sztuki!
Egyptian 26th Dynasty
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Wydruki artystyczne o jakości muzealnej
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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur Obsługa klienta pełna pasji
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Najpopularniejsze dzieła Egyptian 26th Dynasty

Te dzieła sztuki cieszą się szczególną popularnością wśród naszych klientów.

Sarcophagus of an Apis Bull in t...
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Wybierz obraz

Apis bull, Late Period
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Wybierz obraz

The goddess Isis suckling the in...
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Wybierz obraz

Najpopularniejsze dzieła Egyptian 26th Dynasty

Te dzieła sztuki cieszą się szczególną popularnością wśród naszych klientów.

Odkryj więcej dzieł sztuki autorstwa Egyptian 26th Dynasty

Odkryj więcej dzieł sztuki autorstwa Egyptian 26th Dynasty

93 znalezionych dzieł sztuki

Ustawienia filtra

Ustawienia wyświetlania

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Statuette of a cat representing ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Statue of Isis (bronze)
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Seated statue of Imhotep
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Crouching Figure of Bes (limestone)
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
The Nile God Hapi Ritually Tying...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Sarcophagus and mummified body o...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Coffin of Pedi-Osiris, Ptolemaic...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
The sarcophagus of Psamtik I (66...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
The goddess Udjarenes worshiping...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Thoth, God of Learning and Patro...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Outer lid of the sarcophagus of ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Egyptian antiquite: relief repre...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Scarab from the neck bead of a m...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Ushabti (small statues), Tomb of...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Canopic Jar with Baboon"s Head, ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Statuette of Isis and Horus, 664...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Sunk Relief showing a temple of ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Fragment of Isis, Late Dynastic ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Hedgehog aryballos, Saite Period...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings, Temple of Ain El...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Sculpture of a cat, Late Period ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Ushabti figure for Neferibre-si-...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Plaque depicting a falcon, proba...
-664 |

Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Sculpture of a cat, Late Period ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings from burial chamb...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Egyptian Antiquite: Cartridge of...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Ushabti figure for Hekaemsaf, Ad...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Sistrum, Saite Period (limestone)
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Fragment with a lion-headed hier...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Amuletic disk (hypocephalus) mad...
-664 |

Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Head from a sarcophagus, Sait Pe...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Statue of Nakhtorheb kneeling, S...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Canopic jar box, from Saqqara, L...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Seated baboon, Late Period (faie...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Egyptian antiquite: relief repre...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Statue of Nakhtorheb kneeling, S...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Figure of a man holding a monkey...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Pedesi holding a naos of Osiris
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings from burial chamb...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Shabti of Psamtek, possibly from...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Head from a sarcophagus, Sait Pe...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Standing figure of the deity Khn...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Rear view of an Ushabti figure f...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Fragment of a naophorous statue,...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Cosmetic Jar in the Form of the ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Statue of Iahmes Saneith, a high...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Stele of Horsiese, Late Period (...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
The sarcophagus of Psamtik I (66...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Horus Falcon, 664-525 BC (sandst...
-664 |

Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Plastered and painted wood depic...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Relief fragment, Late Dynastic P...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Aegis of Isis, Late Dynastic Per...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings from Tomb of Pa N...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Plastered and painted wood panel...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Plastered and painted wood depic...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
The god Re, Saite Period (bronze...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Ushabti figure for Nakht-Hor-em-...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Amulet of a rabbit (glazed faience)
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Egyptian antiquite: relief repre...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Rear view of an Ushabti figure f...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Plaque depicting a goose, 26th D...
-664 |

Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Figure of Harsaphes, a ram-heade...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Canopic Jar with Man"s Head, 664...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Female Offering Bearer, c.667-64...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Relief of a King, 664-525 BC
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings from Tomb of Pa N...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Stela of Apries, detail, 580 BC ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Murals of burial chamber of Tomb...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Male Offering Bearer, c.667-647 BC
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Middle section of the sarcophagu...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Fragment of Isis, Late Dynastic ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Shawabty of Ankh-Hor, 595-586 BC
595 |

Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings from Tomb of Pa N...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Plastered and painted wood depic...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings from Tomb of Pa N...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings from Tomb of Pa N...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Relief from the Tomb of Nes-Peka...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Prophet and Lector-Priest with O...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Canopic Jar with Falcon"s Head, ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Relief from the Tomb of Nes-Peka...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings from Tomb of Pa N...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Canopic Jar with Jackal"s Head, ...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings from Tomb of Pa N...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Three cups, 664-30 BC, Late - Pt...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings, Temple of Ain El...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Lion Head, 664-332 BC
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Wall paintings from Tomb of Pa N...
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Wybierz obraz

Egyptian 26th Dynasty
Plastered and painted wood panel...
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Wybierz obraz

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Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


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